Saturday, July 10, 2010

Musical Memories

What was the first song you remember as a kid? Rock-A-Bye-Baby? Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star? "Video Killed the Radio Star" by The Buggles?

I wish I could answer that question for myself but I haven’t the foggiest idea. Maybe I heard the Bee Gees or Barbara Streisand in utero. I plan on playing Beethoven for my baby. I also intend to play the records on this sweet little find from a few weeks ago.

Meet my 1971 Fisher Price Music Box Record Player. It is a wind-up record player that plays plastic records like a real record player but doesn’t need batteries. It comes with five double-sided records featuring the following songs:


Children’s Marching Song

Camptown Races

Jack and Jill

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Au Clair de la Lune

Humpty Dumpty

London Bridge

Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?

Hickory Dickory Dock

I was going to list it on eBay but a recent afternoon spent with my mom, out on the back patio listening to the songs and reminiscing, made me change my mind. For now the record player has a home on our piano bench. I'm curious to see the reactions of different houseguests when they request to play a tune or two.

*Illustrations are from Mother Goose published by Stoll & Edwards Co. Inc. New York circa 1929. If you have an idea of who the artist is please let me know!

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